SMS Via Internet Biography
The constantly increasing coverage of mobile phones in the population and the establishment of online research raises interesting perspectives for the further development of research instruments. Only recently has questioning via SMS developed into an innovative research method. It is characterized by a) high accessability of the mobile population, b) direct and immediate data collection, c) automatized data management and d) limitations on wording of questions (160 signs) and the range of the survey.Due to the latter, the SMS-questionnaire cannot replace classical research methods, it is best used as a supplementary tool for the data collection process. In this context, a combination between mobile and online elements have proven the most promising method.To this end, yoc has developed an experimental-control group design to measure the advertising effects of mobile marketing campaigns. A random sample was selected in the yoc mobile community in order to carry out a survey. Chosen persons were contacted via SMS and questioned about their readiness to participate in an online survey. Half of the group was invited to take part in a mobile campaign (experimental group), the other half received a reminder via SMS with reference to the survey (control group). Both groups were questioned through an online questionnaire immediately after campaign completion. The combined approach proved successful: In addition to high readiness for participation and the fast recruitment via SMS the online-survey has reached large participation rates. For the development of future survey systems, a strategical approach lies in linking mobile services with existing online research approaches. The YOC AG is currently developing such an instrument. Starting point is a webbased surface, which allows conception, realization, analysis and administration of surveys. Increasingly capable transmission standards and the mobile devices of the next generation enable data collection via mobile internet. By combining the advantages of a web-based system with the possibility of immediate and direct contact free of spatial restrictions of mobile phone arises an innovative, multimedial survey-instrument which integrated the mobile device into internet.
Abstract - optionalVon der SMS Befragung zu mobilen Internetumfragen: Integration des Mobiltelefons in die MarktforschungDie bereits hohe und weiter ansteigende Verbreitung von Mobiltelefonen in der Bevölkerung und die Etablierung der Online Forschung werfen für die Marktforschungsbranche interessante Perspektiven für die Weiterentwicklung von Befragungsinstrumenten auf. In jüngster Zeit hat sich die Befragung per SMS als innovative Erhebungsmethode entwickelt. Diese wird charakterisiert durch a) hohe Erreichbarkeit der mobilen Population, b) schnelle und direkte Datenerhebung, c) automatisiertes Datenmanagement und d) Begrenzungen bei der Fragenformulierung (160 Zeichen) und beim Befragungsumfang.Auf Grund der zuletzt genannten Einschränkungen ersetzt die SMS-Befragung klassische Ansätze nicht, sondern wird als ergänzendes Instrument im Datenerhebungsprozess benutzt. Dabei haben sich kombinierte Erhebungserfahren aus mobilen und internetbasierten Elementen als vielversprechend erwiesen. Zu diesem Zweck hat yoc ein klassisches Experimental-Kontrollgruppen-Design zur Messung der Werbewirkung von mobilen Kampagnen entwickelt.
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